Goins, Melea

Acrylic, Mixed Media

Statement: Melea Goins, earned a double major in English and German and by the time she graduated, she’d spent a 5-month semester abroad in southwest Germany. Most of her work history involved children. She became director or a church childcare center, director of Children’s Ministry. In 2010, she became a full-time mom. In 2020, Melea and Tim moved to Fairfield Glade.

Biography: Along with living, working, raising children in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, the Goins’ hosted and taught English to 34 people, ages 13-45 and ranging from Asia, Europe, Central and South America, the Middle East and the Caribbean. Melea also went on two mission trips to Guatemala. In 2020, after 30 plus years of enduring the heat and humidity of Ft. Lauderdale, Melea and Tim, moved to Fairfield Glade. They considered Chattanooga but because of Melea’s desire to continue her art education and be around other artists; they found what they were looking for in Fairfield Glade, Tennessee.

Melea learned to crochet and sew at age 9, and has dabbled in several creative mediums since. She enjoyed ceramics, pottery, and photography. Later on, she learned cake decorating and scrapbooking. She still enjoys photography and has added card making and 3D paper decorations in mixed media. She also has experimented with oil and acrylic painting, drawing with graphite, ink and charcoal.
Recently Melea was introduced to pastels and stained glass, and taught her first “Art Class” in acrylic painting. She has plans to teach mixed media, drawing and card making. Her “happy place” is in using Cricut and making paper crafts. It’s obvious she is creative and is excited to learn the techniques of all art forms. Each new burst of inspiration comes from her love of nature and the beauty of creation. She is amazed at the creativity of others and open to new endeavors. She’s enjoyed the comradery and collaborating with other creatives her whole life.

When Melea’s not involved at the Art Center, she enjoys reading, Bible Study and pickleball when time permits. She is also involved with Habitat for Humanity Restore, and volunteers in the craft department.