Hufford, John
Statement: John graduated from Penn State with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He designed components for the Aerospace industry, the intelligence community, and a major Oil company. He transitioned from designing to working with geoscientists in search of oil deposits. After 22 years in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, John and Rosie Hufford moved to Fairfield Glade in 2011.
Biography: They’d grown accustomed to mild winters and wanted to stay “in the South,” so after 22 years of residing in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, John Hufford, and his wife Rosie began the move to Fairfield Glade, Tn. The realtor included the Art Center as part of the tour of Fairfield Glade.
Their attraction to the Glade was partly because of the lovely community, the low cost of living, the Art Guild/Center, and to be closer to their grandchildren. John’s wife, Rosie, also wanted to be a part of the artistic community and having the Art Center became a significant part of their decision to move to the Glade.
John’s engineering training taught him how to draw a straight line, which he lists as the extent of his artistic abilities. He is inspired by all types of art and has experience working with art images on the computer.
John has been the computer committee chairperson for several years at the Art Center. He has been integral in creation and maintaining our Point of Sale system we currently use for all sales and class registrations.